The spiritual activities conducted by Rimbrook are opportunities to understand topics of faith more deeply and to foster a personal relationship with God.




A weekend to discover what God wants of you. Includes Mass, times of prayer as well as the chance to meet Christ in the sacrament of reconciliation.


An evening of reflection is like a mini-retreat. It includes guided prayer, Eucharistic adoration and practical suggestions on how to find God in daily life. Sacrament of reconciliation and spiritual guidance are also available.

DAY: Fourth Wednesday of the month (unless indicated otherwise)
TIME: 7:00pm - 9:00pm

FOR Married women and Mums


A weekend away to reflect on God and the living out of one's faith at work, home, and in society

Held a Brooklands Country Estate (


A recollection is a sort of mini-retreat, providing an opportunity to review your life, to renew your relationship with God, and to make firm resolutions for the future.

Recollections conducted by Opus Dei are generally two hours long and include a preached meditation (where a priest talks on a spiritual topic for about half an hour), an examination of conscience which explores your attitudes and likeness to the Lord, an opportunity to engage in spiritual direction and/or sacramental confession and some time of Eucharistic adoration.


Rimbrook Chapel

Rimbrook's Chapel is always open for personal prayer. Other activities include:

  • Holy Mass

  • Guided Meditations

  • Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament